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Writer's pictureChris Anderson

The Power of Positive Thinking: Valuing Yourself!

Hey everybody! Thanks for stopping by Birdman's Blog for another installment of "The Power of Positive Thinking!" In this post, we will focus on the importance of "Valuing Yourself" and how much it can improve the way you live your life! I urge you all to join the conversation in the bottom comment section, on Twitter, or on Facebook. You'll be surprised by how the community comes together and how so many people have similar experiences in life. I'm so excited you've decided to join me, so let's get started!

Valuing yourself, or having self-worth, is the quality of respecting and thinking well of yourself. It's a deep inner knowing that you're more than enough, regardless of what others think or do. You are the most important person in your life, thus, you need to be your own biggest chearleader! There is also nothing more influential in your life than your own thoughts. Remind yourself of your daily accomlishments, be your own hype-man, and JUST STAY POSITIVE! Let's go through 12 of my favorite tips for valuing yourself!

1) Recognize Your Strengths and Accept Yourself As You Are:

  • Identify what you're good at, whether it's a skill, hobby, or personal trait. I see myself as a great leader in the business world, I love playing sports like basketball and golf, I enjoy writing and sharing my points of view, and, most of all, I enjoy spending time and caring for the friends and family that I love most in the world!

  • The past is done, there is no use in re-living it. There is no use in stressing about the future; it has not come yet. In the present moment, your greatest gift is accepting yourself as you are right now!

  • The world is more complete when you show up as authentically as you can. It gives others the courage to do so, as well. Obviously, everyone changes and evolves as life progresses, but right now, recognize your strengths and show up as yourself! You are amazing!

2) Practice Self-Compassion and Forgive Yourself Often:

  • Be kind to yourself and avoid putting up conditions for self-love. There is no reason you can't find positives in anything you do. Always be your own hype man. Moments in life aren't always going to be perfect, but something you can control is being compassionate to yourself. Find the positives in everything, no matter what you are going through.

  • When things don't go as planned, practice forgiveness. When people hurt you, practice forgiveness. Holding onto grudges, whether from others or yourself, is like intentionally plaguing yourself with burdens that you don't need to carry.

  • Forgiveness is the free remedy that can alleviate so much of our suffering when we hold onto bitterness. It's worthy of implementing it into our everyday life!

3) Set Goals and Be Grateful For Effort:

  • Challenge yourself to achieve something, even if it's something you enjoy doing on a regular basis. Spend time each morning listing out your daily goals, go to the gym and workout, call a friend that you don't usually talk to on the phone, take your dog to a park! These are all examples of things that will make you happy, and also make your family, friends, and pet's day!

  • It's not always easy to show up to life. We don't always stop to examine just how much effort we put forth in everyday living. One way to value yourself more is to be grateful for everything you are able to do! If you think of something fun to do, JUST DO IT!

  • It's easy to be critical and wish you'd done better, but you're always doing the best that you can. Keep that up and celebrate even the small progress you make. Your entire being will thank you!

4) Give Attention To Your Dreams:

  • Whether you'd like to write them out in your journal or make a vision board (I don't make vision boards), giving attention to your dreams is a never-ending cycle of self-value and worth. Your dreams are your deepest desires and wishes. If you don't have dreams and go after them, what are you even doing?!

  • When you shine a light on your dreams, you're feeding your heart and soul in a way that is spiritually and emotionally fulfilling. You're also teaching and empowering yourself to believe that YOU ARE WORTHY OF THOSE DREAMS!

  • Reach for the stars and don't lose sight!

5) Understand Your Values:

  • Consider what's most important to you and how you want to spend your time and energy.

  • What people and activities make you the most happy in life? Surround yourself with people that are going to make you feel happy and positive! Do activities that make you feel healthy and whole! Maybe it's going to the gym, concerts, sporting events, board game night, or church.

  • Understand what your values are and make yourself busy in those activities with the best people you can think of!

6) Let Go Of Comparison:

  • Comparison is the thief of joy. It's easy to compare ourselves to others and think that we're behind or lacking in some way. That is simply not true.

  • You are exactly where you need to be in the timeframe of your life. Trust and believe that everyone walks their path in due and divine timing. Instead of focusing on what others have over you, focus on your own unique journey and get excited at the opportunities to come!

  • It's so easy for people to "showcase" all of the amazing things they are doing with social media these days. If these type of events start affecting your life in a negative way, get off social media. Comparing your life to all of the amazing things you see scrolling through Instagram is going to make anyone feel like they are missing out. Go out and make your own adventure!

7) Practice Internal Validation and Acknowledge Your Inner Critic:

  • Don't rely on external factors like accomplishments or social life to determine your self-worth. Your self-worth comes from inside you, tell yourself you are great every day!

  • We all have that loud inner voice that isn't always kind. It interjects when we have ideas and projects at hand, and it often persuades us from taking that leap of faith or believing in ourselves. When left unchecked, the inner critic can have devastating effects on our self esteem.

  • This is no place for our self-worth to grow. Wrestling with this internal critic is a lifelong journey, but a first good step is to acknowledge it. So many people live the length of their life with this voice on autopilot, never realizing how much of a dictator it has become. When you can pause and acknowledge that it is calling the shots, you can learn to take back your power and internal value.

8) Receive A Compliment:

  • The next time someone compliments you, notice if you're quick to send that compliment back or wave your hand dismissively so as not to attract attention. We're so affraid of coming off as needy, that we hardly ever receive the good words someone sends our way. Really, the true culprit here is that we don't often believe we're worthy of the compliment.

  • The beautiful truth is that we don't often see ourselves in the same way others see us. So, the next time someone says something nice about you, BELIEVE THEM and receive their words fully!

9) Find Ways To Serve Others:

  • When we come into the practice of selfless service, we simultaneously feed our own self-worth and value. Giving to others is more than just volunteering; it's offering something of ourselves that is uniquely precious and our own.

  • Whether you have a certain skill you'd like to share, or even just your time, your community benefits from you sharing your own personal contribution to the world!

10) Don't Settle For Less:

  • If you are unhappy, notice that you are and start to ask yourself what would make you happier. You don't have to tolerate anything or anyone who doesn't bring you joy and contentedness.

  • We often think that we have to sacrifice our own happiness for some bottom line, but that is just not true. There are always choices in life. It's up to YOU to believe that you are worthy of the best ones.

  • What makes you happy? What makes you feel fulfilled? Write those down and do those things!

11) When In Doubt, Remember Your Ability To Persevere:

  • Life has a funny way of throwing us curveballs. If there is anything that can dampen your self-worth, it's thinking that you're not enough or have somehow failed.

  • When this happens, think about your end goal or dream. Remember that perseverance is the limitless supply of fuel that is always at your disposal to keep reaching further.

  • Think back on everytime you felt like you weren't going to get over a hurdle. It could be something from school, sports, home improvement, car breakdown, a breakup, etc. Well, you are here now! You persevered through those moments in life already and now those seems like a flash in the pan, a distant memory. Remind yourself in the tough moments now, that you WILL persevere and that this moment will soon become its own distant memory!

12) Seek Help:

  • Finally, a mental health professional or counselor can help guide you to a healthier belief in your own value.

  • Decades ago, it may have felt beneath most people to ask for help. Take advantage of help if you feel like it has come to that. There is nothing wrong with asking a family member, a friend, or even a mental health professional for help. It is admitting that you want to improve you self-worth and self-value and you are taking the steps you need to fulfill that goal! Be proud of yourself!

I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this post. Feel free to share this with other people in your life, as well as my other Positivity in Life posts! Remind yourself everyday of the mantra "JSP" or "Just Stay Positive." Everyone has room in their lives to value themselves even more than they already do. Reach out to others in your life and tell them how much you appreciate everything they mean to you. Now is the time to start making a positive change in your life and everyone else's life that you touch. It won't happen overnight, but if you work at it everyday you will see the positive improvements!

Lots of love from Birdman's Blog! <3

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Love it <3


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